Archive for the 'Flash' Category

Sep 16 2007

Why isn’t removeMovieclip isn’t working

Published by under AS 2.0,Flash

This is one of the most annoying problems i faced, its very easy to attach movies on stage using following, 


all is fine with this and no matter how many movies i add they will be on stage but when i want to remove the movies from stage i just do this


however this line of code won’t remove the movie if the depth is greater than 1048575, usually this could happen while using version 2 components.It is really well documented by Adobe but hey who reads documentation unless necessary. I avoided this problem by just using fixed numbers for depths and it has worked beautifully. It might look simple but when this problem hits you it can be really frustrating.

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Sep 16 2007

My Flash Experiences….

Published by under Flash

Hi All, I have been working in Flash since 2000 but mainly as a hobby until June 06. Since that time i am working with Cyberflow Solutions  as Flash Developer. It has given me enough exposure to Flash so that i can call myself advanced programmer maybe not a thorough expert. I intend to post some of the general problems i have faced in Flash and how i have overcome them. Some of them might seem trivial to you but for many people out there it can be frustrating and really annoying.Also I want to move towards creating architectures for large scale projects and therefore i intend to publish a series of articles on Design Patterns and how can they be implemented in Flash along with few simple Flash tutorials. I hope you all might find them helpful and entertaining.

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